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Monday, March 24, 2014

Opus Dei

Today I will be talking about the organization of Opus Dei, which was founded by a Roman Catholic priest named JosemarĂ­a Escrivá, in Spain on October 2nd, 1928 with the approval of the Pope Pius XII. Opus Dei in Latin signifies the work of God, and Josemaria had named it that because he said he had witnessed the work of God earlier on that day. Therefore, they devote their time by praising God and following the catholic religion by praying on certain times, attending masses and communion. To become a member you must be invited by an Opus Dei Prelature, which are the bosses to this organization. More than 70% of the members are married men and women with devotion to obey this Cult and pray. Opus Dei practice mortification, which is self-inflicted pain. They will hit themselves with whips to show God their appreciation and devotion to him. They will also fast to prove to God that they put him above all. I can relate to their love for God because part of the Muslim religion revolves around eternal love for Allah and we fast once a year just like the Opus Dei do to show respect towards our religions. Although, I cannot relate to the practice of mortification because I was not brought up this way and I do not agree that God would want to see us in pain. This organization has been there for years, and it has been judged to be a horrible cult because of its mortification of flesh and all of the classified information kept within the cult. Personally, I do not mind what they do as long as they don’t hurt anyone else. Opus Dei became very popular in the year 2003, when the novel The Da Vinci Code came out, and even more spoken of when they came out with the movie in 2006 based on the novel. Opus Dei has over 90 000 members, 2000 priests worldwide, is a fast growing organization and the cult is still growing bigger.

 Here is the symbol of Opus Dei, in the background.



Sunday, March 23, 2014

George W. Bush & John Kerry - skull & bones (secret society)

George Bush and John Kerry interviewed, but not exactly answering questions. See for yourself.

The popular skull and bones.

Today I will be talking about the Skull and Bones. The Skull and Bones started off in Yale University, located in New Haven, Connecticut in 1832. It was founded by William Huntington Russel and Alphonso Taft, and started as a small fraternity group then as the years went by it grew immensely. To become a part of the Skull and Bones, you must be chosen, and you must also be a senior student attending Yale University. Once you become a member you are called a Bonesmen. The skull and bones have been there for many years and are in my opinion one of the most successful secret societies to ever exist. The former president, George W. Bush, was also a part of the Skull and Bones in his senior year at Yale University. Furthermore, I was astounded to learn that the former president candidate, John Kerry and George W. Bush were interviewed on this subject. I found it strange to learn that they would never answer the questions on their part of the Skull and Bones group. The Skull and Bones reunite annually in their secret lair known as the tomb. A person can only be invited to be a part of the Skull and Bones, and one cannot just show up. It was incredible to read about how selective they were on who they let into the group. They would select their candidates through their heritage, wealth and personalities. The Skull and Bones tend to select their candidates carefully and select 12 different students to become a part of their society every year. The Skull and Bones have a number which is very important to them. That number is 322. It is important to them because it is said that 32 is the year they were founded and 2 is for the corpse they have in their tombs, but I’m not really sure I believe all of that speculation. If a society is secret, how are we supposed to find so much information about them that is actually viable? There are rumors that the Skull and Bones plan to take control of the world and that they are somehow related to the Illuminati. It is also thought that they control the whole C.I.A (Central Intelligence Agency). There has also been mentions of the Skull in Bones in many famous television shows, such as Family Guy (season 5 episode:16) and American Dad (season 2 episode:10). There is also a trilogy movie named the skulls which was released in 2000.

Also if you go to the picture I have, you can see George Bush on the left of the man in the middle.
