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Thursday, June 19, 2014


This was an amazing experience to have my own blog and post every week about a new secret society or organization although I'm afraid that all good things must come to an end. I know this ended fast but I hope you all learnt a thing or two about all of the different organizations, whether it was information that you enjoyed from a specific blog like the Skull and Bones or even if you just enjoyed reading about secret societies in general. If there is one thing I would like for you guys to know, it would be that secret societies are real and there are many of them scattered all around the world. They might not believe in mortification like the Opus Dei do, or be as freighting as the Builderberg group, although it is incredible to think that they all branch off of one main secret society.  I hope that I have not scared any of you guys with the last blog I did because that one was by far the craziest society that I did my research on. I hope you all learned a few thing about secret societies and if you guys still have any questions don't hesitate to message me.  I also want to thank you all for your wonderful feedback, and if there is anything else you would like me to talk about, don't hesitate to let me know. It has been an amazing journey to you all, it was a new thing for me that I have enjoyed a lot and it was a very good experience. Hopefully in the summer when I have a bit of free time I will continue writing blogs on interesting subject similar to these. Take care guys see you later and have an amazing summer, Bye.

Order Of The Solar Temple

Have you ever heard of sacrifices and murders happening because of an organization or a secret society? This society is the real deal guys! They have been involved with mass murder and many suicides all throughout the world. They are known as the Solar Temple. (1) This organization started back in 1984 by Joseph Di Mambro and Luc Jouret who took bits and pieces of every secret society  to create their own cult. In my opinion their cult is a hopeless cause because they are (1) trying to reunite all Christian churches and Islam together into one big religion. Furthermore, it is incredibly terrifying how much power this have over society because they are convincing their followers that human sacrifices are alright. They were even capable of convincing their followers that they were getting ready for the anti-Christ by killing babies, children and even making people commit suicide by telling them that they will be in a better place. They are terrible monsters and anyone who harms a child should not deserve to live. However, Di Mambro and Jouret could not have come up with these crazy notions all by themselves. They received the ideas from the Free Masons rituals and from the beliefs of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. This is by far, the most distorted and crazy society that I have read on and unfortunately all of these facts are true. They are not working in joining two religions together for the good of humanity; they are just a terrible criminal group who needs to be stopped.



The society which is well known for its power and popular conspiracy theories is the society that leaves a mark where ever it goes. This society is known as the Illuminati and is by far one of my favorites. (1) They first started out on May 1rst, 1776 where they came up with the many symbols and rituals that are well known today. However, the most important story of the illuminati is the eye of Horus also known as the all Seeing Eye.

 The eye is a very important symbol, and it is repeatedly seen everywhere around like world. There is reference to the Illuminati by the media, in songs and by many rumors involving actors and government officials. The eye of Horus received its name because Horus is another name for the devil. The legend says that one day he will come to earth as an angel and everyone who follows him will be taken to hell. This legend is a too unrealistic for me because I have trouble believing that anything would be capable of coming down from heaven or up from hell to try to harm us.
Another way of looking at the eye symbol is the notion that the Illuminati are always watching you. This organization could be compared to Big Brother in the book 1984, by George Orwell but the events are actually happening in reality. For regular citizens, the word Illuminati signifies to illuminate something. Although in the eyes of the illuminati, they believe that they are illuminating the world to become a better place.
(1) Many Organizations relate Illuminati in their own practice such as the secret society named Ordo Templi Orientis. This is an organization that I will talk about in my future blogs. This is why the Illuminati plays a big role in today’s society. Nowadays, there are many organizations stating that they are the real Illuminati that have been around since 1776. Although it is hard to believe which one is telling the truth. Personally, I believe that the Illuminati plays a big role in the media, especially the music industry, and TV-shows because of how much control they have over these things. There are clear symbols of the Illuminati even in concerts, such as the all seeing eye. Here's a video on some of the symbols seen on TV-shows.


Free Mason

I am sure that everyone has heard of this secret society because they are the ones who started it all! They are at the base of the secret societies and they are known as the Free Masons. They have been living among us for centuries and (1) there was even research done dating back to the 1400s. However, these numbers are just speculations based on the symbols found from back in the day. The Free Masons are very dedicated to their symbols and have kept of with many of rituals in order to prove their self worth by the individuals eternal dedication to the cult.  The rituals consist of three courses which are called craft courses. The members receive an education on the symbols of Free Masonry and the knowledge on how to communicate with the other members of the cult. There are many religions who despise the Free Masonry because they are considered to be evil and to worship the devil. (1) The Pope Clements announced, in late April, 1738, that anyone who is affiliated with the Free Masons will be banned from being a Christian. Furthermore, it is said that in the Islamic culture, it was a member of the Free Mason who murdered one of the Prophets who is now in occultation. Earlier on in the blog, I briefly mentioned that the Free Masons are the base of every secret society. They have had such a major impact on other secret societies rituals and their ideology as well. It seems as though that the Free Masons are at the top of the list because they influenced all of the other secret societies and they have the most power over everyone else. It is shocking to think (1) that almost one twelfth of the world's population are part of the Free Masonry. If that doesn't that scare you a little bit, I don't know what would because it sure creeps me out.


Ordo Templis Orientis

Today I will be talking about Ordo Templi Orientis also known as O.T.O. I am not sure exactly when this organization was founded but I know it was around the (1) beginning of the 20th century. I have mentioned this organization before in the blog post about the Illuminati. I decided to recherche this society because they are both very similar group and the Ordo Templi Orientis uses the Illuminati as a level or degree in their organization. For example, let's say you wanted to be a part of Ordo Templi Orientis. An individual would not start off right away as a as higher up. He would first be called a Minerval, which is a beginner and as you pursue in your rituals and ceremonies to prove to the higher ups that you are a worthy person, you will than go up the ranks. The top rank is called the Illuminati. Now the rituals and ceremonies of this organization are a little weird but the thing is, just like the majority of the other secret societies, they takes bits and piecies of every organization and mesh them together. To be initiated to this organization you must swear by oath which the same as Free Masons. I am sure that Free Masons have been around longer than Ordo Templi Orientis, so I am sure that they copied the oath initiation from them as well. Personally, I do not really like this organization because of how could not find a lot of information about it and because they seem to be up to no good. For all we know they could be teaming up with another organization in a massive conspiracy theory to take over the world.


Monday, June 2, 2014

Secret Societies

Have you ever wondered how secret societies work, what they do, or even how they started off? A secret society is mainly an organization where the members are sworn to secrecy and annually the members will meet up to discuss politics, the economy and many other topics. All of these organizations and groups have the same goals but different way reaching that goal. Hi readers, I am currently in this phase where the only thing that seems to interest me is secret societies. I cannot think about anything else. I stay up all night reading different articles on secret societies just to learn a little bit more on how they work and how people come to be part of them.  My need to find out more about these societies is almost like an obsession. So here I am, ready to research and learn all I can about a couple of secret societies that interest me and share them with you. I will be speaking about the Free Masons, Skull and Bones, Rosicrucian, Ordo Templis Orientis, Hermetic order of the Golden Dawn, The Knights Templar, the Bilderberg Group and my personal favorite The Illuminati. Therefore, every week for the next eight to ten weeks, I will be posting information about each secret society mentioned above. I will be speaking about the society’s cults, how they affect society and how they would normally run things. I hope you are all as excited as I am and who knows, maybe if this works out well I will keep on posting about different secret societies long after the short eight to ten weeks are over. These members started off in small groups, than increased in time. These groups all have something in common, which is to gain the most power, and power is by having the most members and followers. Some might even say that the whole idea of a secret society is to have all for the money, fame, and the power although I believe it depends on which group or organization that you may be referring to. It is clear however that secret societies have been in our lives for years, and they aren't planning on leaving anytime soon.