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Thursday, June 19, 2014


The society which is well known for its power and popular conspiracy theories is the society that leaves a mark where ever it goes. This society is known as the Illuminati and is by far one of my favorites. (1) They first started out on May 1rst, 1776 where they came up with the many symbols and rituals that are well known today. However, the most important story of the illuminati is the eye of Horus also known as the all Seeing Eye.

 The eye is a very important symbol, and it is repeatedly seen everywhere around like world. There is reference to the Illuminati by the media, in songs and by many rumors involving actors and government officials. The eye of Horus received its name because Horus is another name for the devil. The legend says that one day he will come to earth as an angel and everyone who follows him will be taken to hell. This legend is a too unrealistic for me because I have trouble believing that anything would be capable of coming down from heaven or up from hell to try to harm us.
Another way of looking at the eye symbol is the notion that the Illuminati are always watching you. This organization could be compared to Big Brother in the book 1984, by George Orwell but the events are actually happening in reality. For regular citizens, the word Illuminati signifies to illuminate something. Although in the eyes of the illuminati, they believe that they are illuminating the world to become a better place.
(1) Many Organizations relate Illuminati in their own practice such as the secret society named Ordo Templi Orientis. This is an organization that I will talk about in my future blogs. This is why the Illuminati plays a big role in today’s society. Nowadays, there are many organizations stating that they are the real Illuminati that have been around since 1776. Although it is hard to believe which one is telling the truth. Personally, I believe that the Illuminati plays a big role in the media, especially the music industry, and TV-shows because of how much control they have over these things. There are clear symbols of the Illuminati even in concerts, such as the all seeing eye. Here's a video on some of the symbols seen on TV-shows.



  1. I've never done any research on the Illuminati, however it's totally present in our daily lives! Illuminati conspiracies about celebrities like Drake or Jay-Z are all over twitter and other social media. Even American currency is said to have signs of the Illuminati on it. Despite this, I'm still unsure of what the Illumina actually does and how it's a conspiracy. What exactly are they conspiring to do?

  2. I feel like everybody is so obsessed with the misconceptions surrounding the Illuminati that nobody ever takes the time to actually learn anything about them. They all just assume they're out to rule the world and every time there is an eye on something it must mean that the Illuminati have infiltrated that organisation in some way. But there is more to them than that and unfortunately few will ever know that.

  3. I'm glad you covered this society. It's pretty hard to find any sort of discussion online that doesn't eventually lead to accusations about someone or other being part of the Illuminati. I had no idea about the Eye of Horus thing, so that was interesting to learn.
