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Thursday, June 19, 2014

Ordo Templis Orientis

Today I will be talking about Ordo Templi Orientis also known as O.T.O. I am not sure exactly when this organization was founded but I know it was around the (1) beginning of the 20th century. I have mentioned this organization before in the blog post about the Illuminati. I decided to recherche this society because they are both very similar group and the Ordo Templi Orientis uses the Illuminati as a level or degree in their organization. For example, let's say you wanted to be a part of Ordo Templi Orientis. An individual would not start off right away as a as higher up. He would first be called a Minerval, which is a beginner and as you pursue in your rituals and ceremonies to prove to the higher ups that you are a worthy person, you will than go up the ranks. The top rank is called the Illuminati. Now the rituals and ceremonies of this organization are a little weird but the thing is, just like the majority of the other secret societies, they takes bits and piecies of every organization and mesh them together. To be initiated to this organization you must swear by oath which the same as Free Masons. I am sure that Free Masons have been around longer than Ordo Templi Orientis, so I am sure that they copied the oath initiation from them as well. Personally, I do not really like this organization because of how could not find a lot of information about it and because they seem to be up to no good. For all we know they could be teaming up with another organization in a massive conspiracy theory to take over the world.


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